Here is an open letter from BCO President Bob Wiebelt.
Attention BCO Members and all concerned bowhunters…..
There are several bills being considered by our State Legislators that could have major consequences to the sportsmen and women of this state. Getting the word out is one of the things the BCO is all about. It is our intention to make you aware of these possible changes so that you can make your own decisions and conclusions regarding these proposals. Please take note however that there are proposals the BCO Board of Directors believe pose a direct threat to the bowhunters of the state. Most significantly is the proposal to make a 23 day gun season (HB 3001). This will reduce the number of days in the archery season. If this passes, will it be 30 next year? I am sure that the black powder enthusiasts will be pushing for more days too. Also, there is a bill that intends to allow non-hunting activities on public lands during hunting season (HB 2507). This could allow activities that we would term “hunter harassment.” The sportsmen and women of this state paid for the purchase of these lands through our hunting and fishing licenses. Not hikers, horseback riders, bicyclers, four wheeler riders etc. But now they want to allow everyone access to these lands during the times hunters are present. Another proposal would allow land owners to kill an unlimited number of “female” deer year round on land they own (SB 1094). This could totally devastate the deer heard in very little time, as we all know, buck are “non-antlered” for a time also.
Fellow bowhunters, NOW is the time to act. Now is the time for us to stand up and let our voice be heard. We can make our desires be known, but it will take lots of effort. Don’t let the legislators take the decision making authority regarding our wildlife away from the wildlife department. The ODWC should be the ones setting regulations for our wildlife…..not legislators.
PLEASE!! Talk to your representatives. We stand to lose much by inaction. Unfortunately, the crossbow issue was just the first step. Now the legislature wants to override everything the OWDC, Conservationist, Sportsmen, and Hunters have created.
Here is a link to the ODWC with a description of the proposals Robert Wiebelt
Bowhunting Council of Oklahoma Inc.