It is not forcing someone to use one, but forcing it upon the bowhunters by intrusion into the archery season. It is purely manufacturer driven. They see dollars by enticing firearms hunters to purchase one and hunt during the archery season. That is the only reason why you see the proliferation of them.
The manufacturers lure State game agencies with the allure of a new license fee to collect with the implementation of crossbows into the archery season.
It has nothing to do with the elderly, the disabled, the physically challenged, the female, the youth, the wounded Veteran, or increasing hunting participants. IT is about conning the hunting brethren into believing that they(crossbows) are the second coming, all the while expanding their bottom line.
I have been called an anti-hunter, an animal rights terorists, selfish, elitist, cursed at, and threatened. All this, not from a non-hunting public, but from outdoor writers, and hunters themselves. All because I want to keep the sport pure and not compromise its' integrity by allowing a superior implement.