And rainbows are called rainbows.
There is a point to my arguement. Whatever you call it, it is designed to be easier to utilize, to make the thing better and better. We as humans have a tendancy to do that. At some point, we will reach a tipping point.
I am gonna go on a limb and profess that if compound bows came out in the 70's with the capability that they have today, they would never have been allowed in the bow seasons, especially the seasons of past days.
As I stated, deer herd numbers are currently very high is some areas. Too high, so anything goes. Kill more of them any way you can is the current mentality. But that is not likely to be that way forever. When the stuff hits the fan, and it likely will, the entire bow season is likely to be hurt, because of the better kill rate we now achieve when you add in the compounds and the crossows. It is very unlikely that they will separate out the players, just cut the season.
Look up the McAlester (did I spell it right) military base and their long standing archery hunt. They kept detailed information regarding the hunts. Their numbers sure seemed to indicate that adding compound bows to the mix skewed the kill numbers and made that particular hunt non-sustainable. That was back in the day when compounds were nowhere near as good.
I don't care what you use. If you want to water down the whole thing and use a long range rifle then go for it. Your loss, not mine. But to say that each of these leaps is not incrementally making the process easier is not opening your eyes.
Can someone pick up a longbow and go hunting the same day. Sure. But they are very unlikely to actually hit anything. You need to practice at least a bit. That brings up testing, another issue for another in-depth discussion.
With a compound, I can nearly guarantee that is possible, and with a xbow, there is no doubt in my mind.
Will it change the numbers ? Well, I am pretty sure it will. If the SCI information I quoted is correct, it did already. Give it time to happen, then we shall see. I am worried, though, that it will be too late by then. Big business runs the world, not our legislators, and there is too much money at stake.
Of course, this is just my opinion.