While we all anecdotal stories, the stats are typically far different.
In North Carolina in the 2011-12 season, deer hunters killed roughly 138,000 deer. Bowhunters killed less than 12,000 of that 138,000. And for antlerless kill, bowhunters only killed 7600 out of the 74,000. So, bowhunters are only accounting for roughly 10% of the kill.
In West Virgina in 2012, bowhunters killed only 24,500 out of the 131,000 killed all year. While I don't have the breakdown by sex, let's assume half of those 24,000 were bucks.
In Georgia, roughly 318,000 deer were harvested. Of those, bowhunters took roughly 51,000, or 16%.
In Michigan, bowhunters fare better than most other states, but bowhunters still don't come close to killing the amount of deer as in firearms season. In 2011, 422,000 deer were killed and Michigan bowhunters killed 131,000 of those 422,000. As far as antlerless deer, 209,000 were killed in 2011 and 61,000 of those were killed in bow season, although that number jumped up by nearly 20%, due to all the former firearms only hunters taking up crossbows, which are now considered "archery kills" in Michigan.
So you can see, as far as state game agencies are concerned, when counting dead deer at the end of the season, if they need more deer killed, we bowhunters typically are falling short, despite having much longer seasons.
The end result is, when crop damage, forest habitat overbrowsing, deer/auto accidents or CWD/TB is the concern, state DNR's will turn to those with the record of killing the most antlerless deer.
As I said, it's up to us to be our own advocate. We need to stress to all bowhunters that if we want to keep firearms out of bow seasons, we need to kill more antlerless deer in bow season. Period.
A bigger problem may be, most if not nearly all bowhunters hunt with a gun also. We're duel season hunters. There are a few "bow only-only" hunters, but they are in the 1-2% minority. Most bowhunters still grab their rifle or shotgun or muzzloader, when firearms opener comes around. Even if only for a few days of firearms hunting.
So lots of bowhunters pass easy shots on a doe, to look for a buck, knowing they can kill a doe with a rifle or shotgun in the coming weeks or months.