My comment meaning was, if some object to xbows, the losing fight is to make a no compromise last stand to oppose them and lose all in that particular fight. Because eventually, that is the end scene of the movie. Maybe not this year, but within the next few years.
The better course is, if you think xbows may increase hunter numbers in the 6 week window of October 1 to November 15, then make a compromise with the state powers so that archery seasons start a month earlier and end a month later than what you have now, to spread out hunter numbers. Basically, expanding bow hunting opportunity is the "get something in return" compromise. Otherwise, all that will happen is some small trad groups will oppose xbows with no compromise, get stream rolled and still have the same archery season dates but with xbows for all. Expand opportunity and spread out dates is the compromise of the losing hand. And as long as tags aren't liberalized, we all win.