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Author Topic: Crossbows Legal Now in NY  (Read 22167 times)

Offline joe skipp

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Re: Crossbows Legal Now in NY
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2014, 11:08:00 AM »
The 150 feet setback law is a great thing. Crossbows, no good. I saw 1st hand last year the attraction the hold to poachers. I knew it was just a matter of time.

Offline Cold Weather

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Re: Crossbows Legal Now in NY
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2014, 11:38:00 AM »
well this is good news but didnt go far enough.  xbows belong the entire archery season not just 14 days but at least its a foothold.

towards poachers-they dont obey laws.  I know of poachers who have used compounds.
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Re: Crossbows Legal Now in NY
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2014, 12:31:00 PM »
Glad to see that it is not allowed where I hunt
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Re: Crossbows Legal Now in NY
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2014, 01:32:00 PM »
They legalized them here (TX) a couple years ago. It seems like EVERYONE was against it, but the manufacturers got it pushed through. I don't care if guys hunt with them. I just hate seeing them in an archery only season. I guess it helps the shops make a little bit more $$$ in sales, but it sure does not seem like ARCHERY to me!

I have always said that the only reason they are not called crossguns is because guns were not invented when these were and they had to call them something!



Offline Cyclic-Rivers

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Re: Crossbows Legal Now in NY
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2014, 02:09:00 PM »
I'm in favor of Cross Guns,having their own seasons except for handicapped people.

The thing that gets me is they keep referring to people using them as sportsmen.  Although some maybe, I think the majority will be anything but.

Since they will have  their own season most of the "sportsmen"  will choose the rifle.

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Charlie Janssen

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Offline Cold Weather

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Re: Crossbows Legal Now in NY
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2014, 02:27:00 PM »
gotta ask, since you support xbows in an archery season for handicapped, would you support firearms in an archery season for the handicapped as well?
Fox High Sierra
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Offline ron w

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Re: Crossbows Legal Now in NY
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2014, 03:07:00 PM »
......sad day for bowhunters.......   :dunno:
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Offline Cyclic-Rivers

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Re: Crossbows Legal Now in NY
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2014, 03:27:00 PM »
Originally posted by Cold Weather:
gotta ask, since you support xbows in an archery season for handicapped, would you support firearms in an archery season for the handicapped as well?
...maybe...   ;)    :p    

I think Ron said it best... It's a sad day for Bowhunters.

You'll live longer!

Charlie Janssen

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Re: Crossbows Legal Now in NY
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2014, 04:41:00 PM »
This is unfortunate.  It's been said that it is a ploy to try to get back some votes from hunters after the SAFE Act was passed.  In other words, buying votes.
Ron Purdy

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Re: Crossbows Legal Now in NY
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2014, 04:42:00 PM »
No one under 14 can use a crossbow
Not legal in Suffolk or Westchester Counties
DEC DOES NOT have Regulatory Authority over the crossbow.  No further expansion unless through legislation.
Crossbows legal for small game
Crossbows legal last 14 days of SZ archery
Crossbows legal last 10 days of NZ archery
Crossbows legal during Regular (Firearms) season and through last archery/muzzleloader season
Crossbow users must purchase a MZ tag
Safety for new hunters is taught during the regular Sportsmen's Ed class, not the archery class.
Archery setback at 150'
Crossbow setback at 250'

Nothing to do about the crossbow, EVERYTHING to do about the SAFE Act.  The Governor, the Republican Leadership and the Independent Democratic Council think that by including the crossbow in the archery season, this will make the firearms owners of NYS forget about their involvement with the passage of the SAFE Act.
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Offline Steve in Canton

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Re: Crossbows Legal Now in NY
« Reply #11 on: April 07, 2014, 07:04:00 PM »
Originally posted by ron w:
......sad day for bowhunters.......    :dunno:  
Why is it a sad day, no one took anything away from bowhunters?  You can still go out and hunt just like you have always hunted, they have not made it illegal for you to carry your bow.

Offline Steve in Canton

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Re: Crossbows Legal Now in NY
« Reply #12 on: April 07, 2014, 07:13:00 PM »
Originally posted by Cyclic-Rivers:
I'm in favor of Cross Guns,having their own seasons except for handicapped people.

The thing that gets me is they keep referring to people using them as sportsmen.  Although some maybe, I think the majority will be anything but.

Since they will have  their own season most of the "sportsmen"  will choose the rifle.
If you give crossbows their own season, they would probably take days away from the bow season,I would much rather them be in a bow season than to loose days to a new season.  

You should also not categorize most of the people that hunt with a crossbow as  unsporting, you are being an elitist if you think that because you use a tradbow you are more of a so called sportsman. Grow up and quit looking down on people's legal weapon of choice.  I know more people who think that my recurve is an unethical way to shoot a deer than the use of a crossbow.  We are probably the largest minority in all of deer hunting it would probably be easier to outlaw our weapons than crossbows.

Offline adkarcher

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Re: Crossbows Legal Now in NY
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2014, 07:47:00 PM »
Is it true everyone gets a trophy and certificate now for participating in the bow season?  I thought I heard that somewhere.....
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Offline Cyclic-Rivers

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Re: Crossbows Legal Now in NY
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2014, 09:40:00 PM »
Steve, I apologize that I overgeneralized potential crossgun shooters.

I'm Not being an elitist.  I have no issues with Compound bows and do not look down on people for their use.

The issue I have with allowing Cross guns into Archery season is, It's a slippery slope.  

Next, we will have arrow shooting air rifles. They already exist. Its the next step.

Our hard fought seasons were made long for a reason. Killing deer with Archery equipment is a challenge.

I think we need to draw a line in the sand.  

Technology will be the demise of Bowhunting and the lengthy seasons. In time we will find shorter seasons because accuracy will extend past 40 yards.

Why should people let devices that are not Bows be allowed to crowd seasons? Lets Face it, Cross Guns shoot things that look like little arrows but they are "Darts".  Devices that hold the string back have always been illegal without a permit.

I am not against the use of the Cross Gun, just do not believe it should be used during archery season.

I am for the preservation of Bowhunting, and for bowhunters to hold themselves to a higher standard of Ethical Conduct while in the field, not only to game pursued, but to others encountered and the land they hunt.

I do not put the people standing in line to buy their new bow, the day before season opener in this category. And yes it applies to all "sportsman" and all weapons not just the cross gun. However, anytime an Item comes out to make hunting "easier"  It attracts the same people I will not associate myself with even if they call themselves a "sportsman" by their permit bought right.

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Charlie Janssen

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Re: Crossbows Legal Now in NY
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2014, 08:26:00 AM »
A few tidbits from the Michigan experience-

The vast majority of crossbow users were already bowhunters. From the research survey ordered, 74% of crossbow users had used a compound or traditional bow in the previous 3 seasons. Only 19% were firearms only hunters only, before using a crossbow and 6% of crossbow users were new to the sport (mostly youths and women in my anecdotal experience).

During the year before crossbows were legal, bowhunters using compounds and traditional bows showed  a 42% success rate of taking at least one deer. In the 3 years of legal crossbows, crossbow users had lower success rates, 36%, 36% and 39% (2009-2011).

A couple other highlights from the study...

The number of people using crossbows jumped from roughly 46,000 in the first year after legalization to roughly 74,000 in year three.

In 2009, crossbow hunters killed 24,882 deer, or 5.6 percent of the 444,231 gun and bow total.

In 2010, crossbow hunters killed 38,310 deer, or 9.2 percent of the 417,850 total.

In 2011, crossbow hunters killed 54,902 deer, or 13 percent of the 422,014 total

The average age of all Michigan deer hunters is 42 and the average age of the Michigan crossbow user is 50.

After age 48, the majority of those hunting in archery season are using a crossbow. By the time they hit age 60, the ratio is roughly 2:1 in favor of crossbows.

From ages roughly 12-30 years old, the numbers are flip flopped, with those using compounds and traditional bows far outweighing crossbow users.

For adults, the ages with the highest usage of crossbows was ages 52-54. For compounds and traditional bows, the highest usage per age group was ages 39-41.

In 2006 (before crossbows legal), all Michigan deer hunters combined killed 691,000 deer and all archers combined killed 309,000 deer.

In 2011 (3 years after crossbows legal), all Michigan deer hunters killed 648,000 deer and all archery hunters killed 321,000 deer.

Other studies have shown that the typical deer hunter, considering all the fair weather and casual deer hunters, wants roughly only one deer for the freezer, per year. Freezer space is a consideration, on top of most deer hunters only eat venison on occasion. So knowing that, it appears that if anything, that crossbows have shifted 4% or 5% of the harvest from firearms season to archery season.

This is just my assumption from working at Cabela's, but with all the gray beards buying crossbows, I noticed few of the older guys wanted to climb a tree with the crossbow and add on sales of tent blinds was huge. My assumption is, many of these guys, while still having a pleasant day afield with their crossbow, have found that killing a deer from the ground, with wind and movement concerns isn't as easy as killing one from a treestand.

In my opinion, that's why the numbers are going to be a wash, in Michigan. Also, in Michigan deer baiting is huge and the older folks bait in higher numbers. If I was to guess, 90-95% of those guys 60 and older, using a crossbow out of a tent have some type of bait dumped. But what those guys will also find is, bait at 25 yards when you're at eye level isn't the same as bait out when you're 18' up in a tree. My guess is, lots of guys are busted my spooky Michigan doe's on a pile of beets and carrots, making the kill numbers about equal.

Offline Cold Weather

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Re: Crossbows Legal Now in NY
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2014, 09:20:00 AM »
your comments:

The issue I have with allowing Cross guns into Archery season is, It's a slippery slope.

Next, we will have arrow shooting air rifles. They already exist. Its the next step.

Our hard fought seasons were made long for a reason. Killing deer with Archery equipment is a challenge.

I think we need to draw a line in the sand.
I dont mean to be offensive, but when you call them "crossguns" you come across as extremely ignorant.

the word is crossbow.

they are definitely a type of archery equipment.  It's very easy to demonstrate that.

towards the "slippery slope" that is poor logic as well.  Xbows have been in archery season is WY, OH, and provinces like BC and Ont for decades.  And this has not lead to non-archery equipment to be allowed in archery seasons.

why alledge something that has not occurred?  And that you cannot show with facts?

it's no small wonder the anti xbow crowd keeps losing and losing.
Fox High Sierra
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Offline bjansen

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Re: Crossbows Legal Now in NY
« Reply #17 on: April 08, 2014, 02:45:00 PM »
Cold Weather, you continually miss the point that others are trying to make and fall back to your same old story that really few people on this site actually believe.

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Re: Crossbows Legal Now in NY
« Reply #18 on: April 08, 2014, 05:01:00 PM »
Originally posted by Cold Weather:
your comments:

The issue I have with allowing Cross guns into Archery season is, It's a slippery slope.

Next, we will have arrow shooting air rifles. They already exist. Its the next step.

Our hard fought seasons were made long for a reason. Killing deer with Archery equipment is a challenge.

I think we need to draw a line in the sand.
I dont mean to be offensive, but when you call them "crossguns" you come across as extremely ignorant.

the word is crossbow.

they are definitely a type of archery equipment.  It's very easy to demonstrate that.

towards the "slippery slope" that is poor logic as well.  Xbows have been in archery season is WY, OH, and provinces like BC and Ont for decades.  And this has not lead to non-archery equipment to be allowed in archery seasons.

why alledge something that has not occurred?  And that you cannot show with facts?

it's no small wonder the anti xbow crowd keeps losing and losing. [/b]
PLEASE ... here's the deal ...

call 'em by whatever name you like, but any stick and string that can be drawn, cocked 'n' locked IS NOT archery, let alone traditional archery.  

trad gang is NOT about crossbows.  period.  we will NOT discuss them.  that has always been our policy since day one.  

but we will refer to crossbows whenever their use or legislation threatens traditional archery hunting.

thank you for your understanding.
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Offline SKITCH

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Re: Crossbows Legal Now in NY
« Reply #19 on: April 08, 2014, 06:10:00 PM »
"call 'em by whatever name you like, but any stick and string that can be drawn, cocked 'n' locked IS NOT archery, let alone traditional archery. "

Thanks Rob!!!      :thumbsup:     :thumbsup:
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