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Author Topic: Missouri Dept of Conservation-Bad Decisions  (Read 22729 times)

Online kennym

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Re: Missouri Dept of Conservation-Bad Decisions
« Reply #60 on: July 07, 2015, 07:36:00 PM »
"Kenny, it was a sad state of affairs. There were eight of us that addressed the committee and all were in opposition to the crossbow proposal. There was no one in the room, other than MDC personnel, that identified themselves as for the proposal. Yet our voices carried no weight."

I love most things the MDC does, and they do a great job on most.

The one thing that bothers me is having public input meetings and then doing exactly what they were planning regardless of the input.
Stay sharp, Kenny.

Offline Jakeemt

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Re: Missouri Dept of Conservation-Bad Decisions
« Reply #61 on: July 07, 2015, 11:55:00 PM »
Kenny I worked all night so couldn't attend but, I have sent a number of emails in favor of their proposal. It may only have been 8 guys there but, I spoke up too. I am willing to bet dimes to a dollar that says that question will be part of the telex heck system or it will be a special permit of some kind. The MDC doesn't move without data and discussion.

Online kennym

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Re: Missouri Dept of Conservation-Bad Decisions
« Reply #62 on: July 08, 2015, 08:28:00 PM »
We will see, but I'm betting arrow guns will be in archery season in 2016, haven't seen the regs for this year yet.

How easy does it have to get before everyone is happy?
Stay sharp, Kenny.

Offline ouachitamac

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Re: Missouri Dept of Conservation-Bad Decisions
« Reply #63 on: August 16, 2015, 12:31:00 PM »
they have been legal for as long as I remember in Arkansas. Growing up with it, I have never had any issues with it. I don't personally hunt with one, I like my gear the best. I do enjoy that my dad can still hunt with me because he can use his crossbow. he is not able to hunt with other forms r/t his arthritis. they are still pretty limiting, and super loud. we called in a very large buck last year and dad thought he had the right shot, when the old loud cross bow went off, the buck jumped forewards and dad missed the deer. the bolt actually went behind the deer. granted, mr buck was on high alert looking for the two fighting bucks he heard, but still... crossbows are still super slow and close range. no matter what the ads say. I wouldn't trust one of those things past 35 yards.
Genesis 27:3

Offline ouachitamac

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Re: Missouri Dept of Conservation-Bad Decisions
« Reply #64 on: August 16, 2015, 12:32:00 PM »
but, yall are definitely right... the g&f in most places bends to the will of the money.
Genesis 27:3

Online dhaverstick

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Re: Missouri Dept of Conservation-Bad Decisions
« Reply #65 on: August 20, 2015, 08:07:00 AM »
Well, as you probably know, it's a done deal now. The MDC Commission voted yesterday and crossbows will be legal to use in archery season starting in 2016.

There ain't nothing left to do but swallow hard and go on.


Online kennym

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Re: Missouri Dept of Conservation-Bad Decisions
« Reply #66 on: August 20, 2015, 07:25:00 PM »
We can still tell them we don't want it, but you're right , it is a done deal....

Approved changes to fall deer season structure for 2016-2017 include:

Maintain current timing of the November portion and reduce the length from 11 to 9 days.
Expand the late youth portion to three days beginning the first Friday after Thanksgiving.
Reduce the length of the antlerless portion from 12 to 3 days and begin on the first Friday in December.
Eliminate the urban zones portion.

Proposed regulation changes to fall deer season structure for 2016-2017 include:

Allow crossbows as a legal method during the archery deer and turkey seasons.
Allow the use of crossbows during the fall firearms turkey season.
Reduce the limit of antlered deer from 3 to 2 during the combined archery and firearms deer hunting season, with no more than one antlered deer taken during the firearms deer hunting season.
Remove the hunting method exemption requirement related to crossbows.

Already disabled folks can use them in archery, which is great.
Stay sharp, Kenny.

Online dnovo

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Re: Missouri Dept of Conservation-Bad Decisions
« Reply #67 on: August 20, 2015, 09:58:00 PM »
As you can see they are reducing seasons and taking away a buck from archery hunters while at the same time allowing in a weapon that will increase the take.  How'sm that gonna work out.
Why do they keep putting out the calls for public comment when they don't listen to what we say?
At least I won't ever have any crossbows on my property.
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Online kennym

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Re: Missouri Dept of Conservation-Bad Decisions
« Reply #68 on: December 12, 2015, 08:39:00 AM »
And here you are.......

Archery Deer and Turkey: Sept. 15 through Nov. 11, 2016, and Nov. 23, 2016, through Jan. 15, 2017
Firearms Turkey: Oct. 1 through 31, 2016
Firearms Deer Early Youth Portion: Oct. 29 through 30, 2016
Firearms Deer November Portion: Nov. 12 through 22, 2016
Firearms Deer Antlerless Portion: Dec. 2 through 4, 2016
Firearms Deer Alternative Methods Portion: Dec. 24, 2016, through Jan. 3, 2017
Firearms Deer Late Youth Portion: Nov. 25 through 27, 2016
Maintain the current 11-day November portion of the firearm deer season instead of the proposed 9-day season.
Expand the late youth portion to 3 days beginning the first Friday after Thanksgiving.
Reduce the length of the antlerless portion from 12 to 3 days and begin on the first Friday in December.
Eliminate the urban zones portion.

""Include crossbows as a legal method during the archery deer and turkey seasons.""

Allow the use of crossbows during the fall firearms turkey season.
Reduce the bag limit for antlered deer from 3 to 2 during the combined archery and firearms deer hunting seasons, with no more than 1 antlered deer taken during the firearms deer hunting season and only 1 antlered deer taken prior to the November portion of the firearms deer hunting season.

""Remove the hunting method exemption requirement related to crossbows.""
Total BS- how easy does it have to be?

Lets lower the limit of bucks (no prob for me) and include crossbows.

So what have we done? Added more hunters to the woods?
Stay sharp, Kenny.

Offline goingoldskool

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Re: Missouri Dept of Conservation-Bad Decisions
« Reply #69 on: December 13, 2015, 06:17:00 AM »
Thanks for the update Kenny.....

Sure wish it came out different.

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