A possible Penna. state record has been killed this year in "Archery" season. The buck is going to score in the high 180's and possibly break 190. 302# live weight and the" tips" of the antlers are almost 2"thick. The rack measured a 19" spread. Extremely heavy.
Shot in Allegheny Co. on Oct. 10, private ground. The hunter used a crossbow to kill it. Range......62+yards. A new State record more than likely.
I have nothing against this weapon either. It just does not belong in "Archery" season. It is not a "bow". And seeing how we have given it other names I like to refer to it as a Crossgow. A cross between a gun and a bow. Stock,trigger,scope,sling = gun....limbs ,bolt, string,broadhead = bow. Crossgow
Deer do not stand much of a chance these days as far as seasons go. Like stated above ,some areas start in the end of Sept. and are still running. Couple that with Coyote and Black Bear predation plus the upcoming CWD coming into Pa. and you are looking at numbers falling.
Crossgows have there place but it is not in the Archery Season.
Penna. should put the Crossgows in with the early muzzleloading (inline) season,ending with the junior/senior hunt. Let them all hunt that one week, just them, and then it's a done deal.
Archery season goes back to Archery season as we all knew it.
Something is going to happen, time will tell.
Good Hunting,