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Author Topic: Land Grab attempts  (Read 4292 times)

Offline centaur

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Land Grab attempts
« on: February 25, 2016, 08:34:00 AM »
Here are three pending bills that are attempts to privatize YOUR federal lands.  Bills of this nature, if passed, would limit access to public land for hunting, and would set a bad precedent for further land grabs.
-  (HR 3560) Rep. Don Young from Alaska (R), would allow any state to seize control and ownership of up to 2 million acres of national forests within its borders - an area nearly the size of Yellowstone National Park. A state would then be able to auction off the lands to private ownership or for mining, logging, and drilling.

-  (HR 2316) Rep. Raul Labrador (R-ID), would give states and counties the right to take direct control of up to 4 million acres of national forests across the country for clear-cut logging, without regard to environmental laws and protections.

-  (HR 4579) Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT), would turn over what the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance estimates to be 6,000 miles of road right-of-ways on U.S. public lands to counties in Utah, opening the door for road construction and development in protected Wilderness areas.
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