Charlie, it's funny you mention that. About 4 years ago when I and several other NYB Officers met with the Commissioner, Chief Biologist, and several other DEC officials, I said something similar to the room. We went in and slammed them with videos, collected data, injuries, deaths, poaching incidents, all attributed to the crossbow. At one point, we just asked them all flat out why they are so persistent on putting the crossbow into the archery season. "We want more deer dead" was their answer. My reply was this: "Why don't YOU (the DEC) just end all special seasons. Open the hunting season on September 1st, anywhere, any time, any implement. When YOU feel WE(the hunters) killed enough deer, close the season until next year." IT was truly a "pin drop" moment. They were not expecting that at all.
We are all hoping that the DEC will come around and define what they expect hunters in general to do. WE just need to be vigilant to stopping the crossbow or ANY other superior implement being place into the archery seasons and archery only areas.