Thought that maybe I would chime in with some numbers. Not range, or accuracy or FPS, but deer take numbers. First let me say that I prefer that crossbows be kept in gun season, and mozzleloader season, but I can live with them being the last 2 weeks of bow.
In 2016, approximately 46,000 deer were taken in bow season, 15,000 in muzzleloader season, and less than 10,000 were taken by crossbow. So even though the crossbow is "superior" and is legal for use is the most prime time of bow season, crossbows are responsible for only around 15% of the take during those 2 seasons.
The point I'm making is that although I don't agree with the choice to include them in bow season, I'm also not convinced they are going to become some dominant force.
Lastly, the 5 year average deer take in NY is ~230,000/year. And the average number of licenses sold is ~600,000. So only about 1 in 3 hunters is actually successful. Turns out it's usually the same guys every year. I doubt it will matter what they shoot.