This deer is 5 years in the making. It has been 5 years since I first picked up a recurve, five years since I first began to deer hunt, five years of just taking a bow when I was invited to beautiful ranches with animals everywhere and returning emptyhanded, five years of refusing to switch to a rifle or a compound, a five year journey that I wouldn't trade for anything. It is also special since nobody in my family deer hunts and I had to learn it on my own. Beyond that, I killed this buck on public land in Texas which those of you from the lone star state know that can be tricky. I finally go tired of waiting to be invited to hunt on private land and trying to figure out the deer there and get close enough for a shot in three days or less. So I got a public land permit this year, got on google earth to see satellite images of the areas, and got to work. I want to thank my teacher in High Schooll Terry Zimmerman for getting me into archery and making me feel anything I want to do is possible, and my friend Rick of sweptwing traditional bow company for the advice that he gave me regarding the satellite photos of the hunting areas. This has been a dream come true.
P.S. 15 yrd shot, 125grain magnus, 55lbs @ 28" sweptwing takedown recurve, complete pass through!