I have just finished dipping and cresting my new AD Trad Lite shafts, and I'm at the point of getting ready to fletch. I'm now indecisive on my color combo, and would like to know what you all think would go best with my newly painted shafts.
I have 27 full length red, 22 full length white, and 6 full length "bright stripes" red and white on hand, but I am not opposed to ordering more of any of these colors, and have also decided to throw black in as a color choice with this combo.
The shafts were dipped in white Bohning lacquer, then red up to a point, leaving a white band up front. I then crested with Bohning paints in red, black and gold.
So... what do you think?
You may choose THREE of your favorites.
Thanks in advance!
All the best,