Dano, some people have decor. Some decor is blatant and formally recognized, Early American, Scandinavian, Eastern, and the like. I have clutter. Clutter is by definition more complex than the formal styles one peruses in the furniture catalogs, containing myriad elements and minutiae that must be sifted through before that ineffable je ne sais quoi tickles the back of your brain and whispers "HOME". The clutter here consists largely of tattered furniture hidden beneath papers and magazines, old mail and books. It is punctuated by bow racks, whitetail racks, three year old calendars, and sprinkled liberally with scraps of leather, sandpaper and fur. Somewhere under all this is a thirty year old rug.
Decor is very important to female humans, I am told, and I mentioned it in order to give our poor hero here a hint in case he needed a tactic for wedging a bow rack into the house, should there be a lioness at the gate. Now, should such lioness perchance READ this description of my home's decor, one might think that she would be frightened into originating a petition calling for a countywide ban on bowracks. I hasten to explain to my hypothetically horrified housefrau that the clutter came first. The bowracks are the only sources of order extant within these walls. Bowracks are evidence of a civilizing influence in the home.