I'm baa-aack. Few more steps in the right direction. Things looking okay, but a few lessons learned as well. Here is the raw hide out of the form, along with the flat piece:

I pulled the hide out of the form and am letting it dry out a little more - as I stated earlier, I probably should have cut the stretcher with a little less slop, but should work okay. Second, drying the flat piece on the neighbor's fence, not such a good idea unless you live in the dessert. It did well, but we had some off and on rain. I finally pulled it off, thinking it was good and dry, but when it continued to dry without being stretched, it it puckered a little and isn't as flat as I would have liked. Find a way to dry it stretched flat inside!
Next thing I remember was to do a little sanding, especially on the part that will fit against your back to smooth out the rough spots - gently so you don't go through the hide:

Hope to do a little trimming and layout tonight. Right now, back to detailing an old car for my daughter's 16th B-day. Last time I wash it!