I hunt a lot so get more opportunities than most, but still I am amazed at the wide disparity across this country when it comes to deer hunting success. Some folks here are lucky to get anything within range of them during a whole season. Others routinely pass up bucks that others would consider a lifetime deer.
I hunted 99 times in 2007 and had shot opportunities at 81 antlered bucks and approx. 150 does/fawns. (Our buck:doe ratio is almost 1:1 right now). And while I normally try to hold out for a pretty good buck, I do LIKE to take a buck each season. In other words, I'd rather kill a 120-130" buck every year, than go without four years in a row and then kill a 150" buck that fifth year. Others would choose a different option. Different strokes for different folks.
I think the important thing is that we don't let peer pressure, horn porn, bragging rights, or our own ego determine what we will or won't shoot. Heck, I killed a 127" 4x5 in October that was a step below my recent bucks (I'd been riding a pretty lucky streak) but was still a thrill and a deer I was proud of. Then on the last morning of the season, I passed up a 130"ish 5x5. Why? Hard to say...
But one thing for sure. Deciding a deer is one worth shooting is a personal decision, and you shouldn't have to explain it to anybody. If you do, the other person just doesn't get it. (Unless of course you are part of a lease or something with some pre-determined policy in place, which may in the end take some of the fun out of it). That is probably one of my pet peeves, is hearing guys apologize for shooting a deer by saying, "it's a management buck" or something like that. Yeah right. You shot a buck, don't apologize for it. Own up to it, be proud, and go do it again...
Each of us has a myriad of reasons why we hunt. We also have different mitigating factors including family, job, how long it's been since we last killed one, how empty our freezer is, etc., etc., etc. Good luck and may all your deer make the only book that is important--YOUR PHOTO ALBUM.