Yep, when yer right, yer right! ......... and I learned that too, early on in my art and craft work and started preaching it to all my "crafty" relatives/friends - "Sign yer werks!" All of my "art" (on my web site), all my shell and/or wood crafts from years back, all my WB Turkey Calls, and bows are signed with B.S.Dunn, B.S.D., or ber643 - depending on when I did them. My knives will be too, now that you remind me of my own fervent preaching, Doc. Thank you, my friend. I'll get right to 'er, by practicing on the two I have here -
Y'all pay 'tention to this, now - it's im-pot-tant! For everyone working with they own handbones - and headbones - and heartbones too , fer that matter!!!