Made this knife up for a friend of mine from a blade I got on a swap from a fellow Tradganger. He planned on giving it to his brother for his birthday. Well plans changed. When he got it home and his wife seen it she said it was going no where. You see, the woods I used in the handle match woods on a bow she has. She decided it was hers to keep. Told her hubby he would have to get anotherone for his brother.
The handle is Canary wood with walnut. I made the sheath from some leather my friend has had for many years but didn't do anything with. He scribed a pattern to cut out and make a strap for his wheelie bow he used to shoot but never got around to it. The pictures don't show it but you can still see the lines he scribed. Thanks for looking...... One of the pictures is with a recent armguard I made using some of the left over leather.......