1- Good shooting bow in the 55-60" length
2- Good wide broadhead that shoots straight
3- Pop up blind, Brickhouse has very good visability and extra shoot through screens
4- comfortable chair/bucket/seat
5- find fly down areas and trails leading to
water or food both spring and fall
6- Calls work pretty good in spring but I have
had no luck in the fall with calls- use trails
7- set up blind, put a little brush around it
and stay put. I have stayed in my blind all
day in one area except a hour I got lunch.
A good book helps
8- Did I say Comfortable seat!!!!!!!!!!
9- Patience
10- Some use a string tracker. We have used it hunting near tall grass fields where the bird
might get to the grass and hide. "Shoot some with the string tracker to see how arrow reacts before hunting with it.
11- STUDY the turkey anatomy- very little room for mistake or bad hit. They are hard to put down. I have a selfbow, 65# with cedar arrows that some of the birds I hit stops the arrow about the time it makes penetration on the off side. This same bow just blows thru whitetail other game.
Most of all, take a friend to visit with, call with and take photos and HAVE fun.
I know I love turkey huting and can't get enough of it.
Good luck and shoot straight.