A Great Norther Ghost Recurve. In so many ways it was the most amazing recurve I have ever shot. Lost my job and waited until I was unemployeed for 4 months to put it up for sale and it sold so fast I didn't have time to reconsider. The guy that bought it sold it to someone else since.
I also sold a Kota Longbow I miss, an Anderson Skookum I found ayt a garage sale (he didn't know what it was and neither did I. 44# @28" and Beautiful, bought it for 50 bucks. Took it to a 3D in California and an older gentleman saw it and asked if it was a Skookum and asked if he could shoot it and offered me 800 for it on the spot. A 64# Osage Selfbow a guy traded me for a 65# double shelf longbow I had that a local UPS driver saw me shooting in John McCready's back room. He was a compound shooter and the selfbow just intrigued him. So I turn a wheel bow guy into a trad guy by selling him that bow cheap. I also had to sell all my Bear collectables in the year I was unable to work after my open heart surgery.I miss all of them. The 1952 Kodiak 62#, the '59 Grizzly 80#, '57 Kodiak Special 72#,the '66 Kodiak Hunter 54#. I'm gonna go cry in my coffee now.