I got this timber rattler skin from a Highpockets on ***********. He was gracious enough to send it to me. It was a chunck about 28" long and probably 8-9" across at the widest point. I was afraid the skin was too thick and the pattern too wide for a bow so I wanted to use it for something. I drew out the pattern and have been thinking about building it for awhile. I finally finished it up today. I had to splice the skin in 3 places to cover the entire board.
Made the board from cherry, the tongue is osage, and even destroyed one on the dogs toys to get the eyes.
It is 47" OAL and I put 7 shaker pegs on it to hold bows. I just wanted something a little different for another bowrack.
My wife not only agrees I got something different, but she now thinks I am different! She thinks I am nuts and have too much time on my hands if I am in the basement putting snakeskin on a piece of wood and glueing eyes and tongues?
They will never understand!!!! lol
Here are a few pics, Steve