IF the edge/blade is truly "flat" on 1 side it will feel different when cutting. Sometimes I forge them flat on 1 side with a bevel on the other. Then when Im grinding in I will put a convex on the "flat" side. This allows for a traditional feel when cutting, doesnt give that "planing" affect that you sometimes get the single bevel type of grind/edge. Ive done alot of bigger Camp knives in this way, and found when you do the convex from both sides, even though its a "single bevel" forge/grind, the knife performs better under heavy use especially.
If you are strictly talking about kitchen knives and slicing, its a different matter. Ive made a few like this and kinda like them, as the flast side gives my knuckles a nice place to rest against when using on a cutting board.
Alot of it has to do with how high the bevel is cut on the bevel side, the relationship between the spine/edge thickness and bevel grind.
Generally when I convex the edge in on both sides, its also ALOT easier to sharpen, especially for those that are used to "centered" tradtional edges.
Do I think in a knife there is any advantage at all.... No.