A bit of thread necro here, but it's
my thread so I'm allowed.
Fast forward 15 months. Shop time with two small children didn't materialize. Oh, a half hour here and there, but nothing significant. That's slowly starting to change again and I'm cautiously optimistic.
I managed to finish the inlay work on this knife last summer/fall in between tearing down and rebuilding another deck, and the finish work was done if it was warm enough after that. It's waiting for its beaded sheath to complete the package.
If I were to make another one in this style I'd do the pig's tails more like Frank is doing now (hammering them to be round and thicker than the blade) rather than drawing them out to be the thickness of the blade.
This is the only knife I started way back when that's actually been completed, though with recent shop time the St Jude's knives (up in this year's auction again in Memory of Chris Surtees) John's and Bob's should all be finished this month. Same with the swap knife (the knife started for the '09 swap).
My snail's pace has been dictated by the available free shop time, which is mostly limited by me not being able to tear myself away from my kids.