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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: The Perfect job!!!!  (Read 1985 times)

Offline Rusty Hatter

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The Perfect job!!!!
« on: January 27, 2008, 02:31:00 AM »
I would love to have a job that was archery related...  Like maybe be in a Archery shop like 3 Rivers or Kustom King...  Maybe just getting kids into shooting bows at schools or something...  Just wish I had a job that had Traditional Archery in it alot!!!!  I love to just be around bows and arrows..  My favorite thing to do is shoot my bow.  You guys ever feel this way?    Thanks

Offline Trad Man 25

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Re: The Perfect job!!!!
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2008, 03:42:00 AM »
Yep,, sure would like a job like that,, how about being given a workshop,, and you just had to desing and make now bows,,  :)  would like that job,, and then you got to test them,,,

But instead,, i just work hard,, and make sure i have plenty of free time for my bows,, and try and have a little extra chash for them as well,,

Work Hard ,, Play Hard..


Offline Rusty Hatter

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Re: The Perfect job!!!!
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2008, 03:48:00 AM »
Yeah...  I am just happy that my dad got me into shooting my bow!!!!!  If it wasn't for him I may have never got into shooting a Traditional bow.

Offline Tbilisi

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Re: The Perfect job!!!!
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2008, 03:55:00 AM »
Bows I want to keep as a hobby or passion.  I have found that anytime I take something I really love and try to make a business or profit then the passion is lost and it becomes work.  Not that I do something because I want or love to  but I have to do something because it is a business.  Nope, don't want to work with archery.  I just want to enjoy.
Life is short.  Shoot the good arrows first.

Offline tradtusker

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Re: The Perfect job!!!!
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2008, 05:16:00 AM »
working in a bow shop or workshop would be good i think if you could keep the passion for it, i think i would rather spend my time guiding hunts.
There is more to the Hunt.. then the Horns

**TGMM Family of the Bow**

Andy Ivy

Offline tippit

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Re: The Perfect job!!!!
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2008, 07:30:00 AM »
One of the big reasons I don't sell my knives...a passion not a job and I don't want to reverse that.  Also maybe cause they aren't that good   :eek:  Doc
TGMM Family of the Bow
VP of Consumption MK,LLC

Offline heydeerman

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Re: The Perfect job!!!!
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2008, 07:47:00 AM »
When I had my shop and web-biz I totally enjoyed it but had to work full time. Not a whole lotta money in this business. I was offered a job as a department head in an up coming hunting store in central ohio. I would have taken it but there is no way he could have payed me enuf to cover insurance. Thats the kicker these days. To pay for insurance is thru the roof.

I miss dealing with folks alot. had more fun than was legal. Never had a bad deal from a Trad-Gang member.


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Re: The Perfect job!!!!
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2008, 08:18:00 AM »
Guiding would ..... IS my Dream Job. It doesn't matter if I get to hunt, just helping other hunters is a way to feel the rush of someone taking game.

Offline Kevin L.

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Re: The Perfect job!!!!
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2008, 08:30:00 AM »
It's easy to get burned out when a passionate hobby becomes your job. I'm lucky, since my wife has a great job, I'm able to be a full-time guide and rodmaker. I still work a part-time job in the winter, but I'm one step closer to owning my own small hunting and fishing camp in the Northwoods.
Appalachian LB 66"57@26
Appalachian LB 68" 60@28
Appalachian Flatbow 64" 56@28
Appalachian Archery RC 58"62@28
Bighorn LB 68" 57@28
HH Wesley LB 66" 53@27
HH Cheetah LB 66" 52@26
Saxon American RC 58" 60@28

Offline d. ward

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Re: The Perfect job!!!!
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2008, 09:14:00 AM »
I gotta say,I really enjoy this gig.I work on mostly older bows everyday,repairs to complete restorations,buy sell and trade a little.I just love to look at bows,handle em,I've even talked to em...I've restored lots and lots of bows over the years and built half dozen or so recurves and a couple long bows here and there,never made much dough,you could ask Mrs Bowdoc.But man I love it,can't wait to start training my grandson this summer to take over for me in about 10 years.....bowdoc

Offline JL

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Re: The Perfect job!!!!
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2008, 09:46:00 AM »
What's that old saying...

Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life...

Guess if things get out of hand, it can become a drag, but if you stay focused as to why you chose the route you did to begin with, and stay within your limit's, you'll be alright. I would imagine to make a decent living in traditional archery, your gonna bust your hump. Relativity small pool of costumers to pull from. Y'all that found a way to do it have my admiration!

Practice like you are the worst, shoot like you are the best...

Offline vermonster13

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Re: The Perfect job!!!!
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2008, 10:01:00 AM »
Become a Bow Hunter Safety volunteer and you can serve the sport you get so much enjoyment from and help others get started.
TGMM Family of the Bow
For hunting to have a future, we must invest ourselves in future hunters.

Offline bayoulongbowman

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Re: The Perfect job!!!!
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2008, 10:07:00 AM »
Workin weekends gets old...fast...
"If you're living your life as if there is no GOD, you had  better be right!"

Offline Doug in MI

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Re: The Perfect job!!!!
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2008, 10:20:00 AM »
Three Rivers Archery started out small and look how big they got. Kusto King is smaller but do alot of business. Just talk to some of these guys and I'm sure they will tell you the + and - of the business. I know a few guys that opened a small archery shop in my state. None are in busines today. Some had to do with peoploe they were in business in and getting along and money mismagement. Some was the slow time between hunting season when less than 10 guys would stop in all day.But they had to be there even though it was the most boring time ever.
Alot of bowyers will tell you they spend almost all their times at shoots setting in behind a table and never get to shoot anymore and even less time hunting due to building bows.
So alot of the things we love like shooting and hunting with bows doesnt realy have anything to do with being in business.
Team Hoots
Lil Hoot 55#@27
Black Widow SAIII 55#@27

Offline hawk22

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Re: The Perfect job!!!!
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2008, 10:48:00 AM »
I work with bows every day at work.  It's not all it's cracked up to be.  For every friendly customer there are about 9 that are jerks.  It's still a lot of fun, but not everything you would think.

Offline John Nail

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Re: The Perfect job!!!!
« Reply #15 on: January 27, 2008, 12:03:00 PM »
Well, I guided hunting/fishing full time for 14 years. I loved the work, but it paid squat. Longest/hardest days I ever put in.....having said that, if I was younger, I'd gladly do it again.

 There was a time long ago--before I became
"civilized"--when I made my living guiding bass fishermen and
duck hunters in Florida.

The work days started about 3am to get the boat
ready, find bait-usualiy wild shiners about 10" long-- mend
tackle and attend to the seemingly endless tasks necessary to
make the day go well for my clients.
They paid for and got a full day--daylight till dark-- on the water.
By the time the fish were cleaned and all the good-
by's said, it was around 10pm and time to hit the sack.
That was the hardest work I've ever done and some of
the most rewarding, if you don't care about money.
Something always needed fixing or was worn out and
it took most of what I made to keep the boat and tackle In good

But the good part was I got to watch the sun rise and
set EVERY day, and learned to recognize the lake's changing
moods by little things like a slight shift in the wind or the flight
pattern of the gulls. That lake and I became friends over time
and she confided in me.

What's it worth to watch an Osprey dive from 60 feet
and come off the water with a half-pound shad in it's claws,
turn it head forward as easily as you could while shaking the
excess water off itself, only to have it taken away in mid-air by
the sheer power of a bald Eagle?

Apple snails as big as golf balls laying their lavender colored eggs on
the marsh grass and being picked off by the Everglades Kites
flying as silently as owls, or Purple Gallinules out for a walk on
the carpet of weeds a mile from shore, the grunt of pig-frogs
and 'gators, the sweet piping sound of a flock of shorebirds as
they all turn on a dime or the rowdy, incessant calls of giant
Sandhill cranes.

The marsh itself, living and ancient, with a complex
and self-sustaining matrix of plants and animals formed over

I dislike the word "ecosystem".

It sounds too scientific and catagorical.
A marsh is a place of the senses! There are sights and
sounds and smells found nowhere else on the planet, and it
has the feel of the original cauldron we were mixed in.
It is an antidote for the blahs of modern, air conditioned living.

Guiding was a fine and honest way to make a living,
but it changed. The sportsmen and women went out less and
less for a natural experience and more and more to just catch

I saw the developement of the "Tournament
mentality" which dictates that to have been fishing, you must
have caught a limit of fish.
Later, this was amended to mean
that if you hadn't caught a BIG fish, you'd wasted your time.

There is a genetic flaw in mankind that causes our
competitive nature to reduce a wonderiull sport like fishing to
a game of pounds and ounces where the winner can brag
about making a thousand casts in a day.

Guiding stopped being a lifestyle and became work.

Fishing shouid be about kids and home-made tackle
tied to a willow pole.
It should be done with bait you caught
yourself and put in the old Prince Albert can you kept for just
that purpose.

Or about the sweet meat of bullheads and the
one that got away, leaky old green wooden boats with
groaning oar-locks and home-made anchors made from old
paint buckets filled with cement.

Or farm ponds in the evening
with casting gear and a Jitterbug tuned just right to make the
"plop plop" sound when slowiy reeled or about a bluegill bed
and a fly-rod with a tiny popper--and it should be respected.

I still miss the Marsh and get out on one as often as
time and circumstance will allow.
I always take a rod or gun,but as often as not it isn't baited or loaded.

I like to talk to the ducks on the old reed call and pretend they understand.
I tell them how much I miss them and express my envy of their
beauty and how I wish I could fly wild too,
and they fly by for a look at what's making all the noise.

I never forgot those first lessons the Lake taught me:
If you try hard enough NOT to fish, you'll always catch
something worth remembering.
Is it too late to be what I could have been?

Offline Brian Krebs

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Re: The Perfect job!!!!
« Reply #16 on: January 27, 2008, 12:31:00 PM »
John Nail ed it.

Offline Tique

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Re: The Perfect job!!!!
« Reply #17 on: January 27, 2008, 12:56:00 PM »
John could not have said it better. Ran my own charter business on Lake Ontario for over 10 years so I know what he says is true. Turn your hobby into a business and it soon becomes work; still enjoyable but not the same.

Disagree with Tippit: they are that good!
Untested ideas are not facts.

Offline mike g

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Re: The Perfect job!!!!
« Reply #18 on: January 27, 2008, 12:57:00 PM »
OK....I don't make bows.
But I try and make some passable Leather goods.
    Yes it's fun to do what ya like, I do like to make leather goods it's kinda theraputic, I try and make something most everyday....
    Things I like about doing what i like.
I like a satisfied customer.
    I like a e-mail telling me how much they like what I made for them.
    I like getting Post Cards from around the states and the world that my Leather craft go to.
    I like to see Hero pics with the Hunter wearing my Leather goods....
    I like going to a shoot and almost every group that walks by almost everyone in the group will have my stuff....
    And yes I do like the Money, I like to eat, by Arrows and a Bow now and again....
    Things I don't like about it....
I don't shoot in as many shoots as I used to....
    I don't like it when I get a few orders for Quivers and I call my Leather supplier and they don't have the Leather in stock and I have to wait for the Leather and my customers have to wait for their Quiver....
    I don't like it when a customer orders an Item and 2 days later e-mail me and ask if I sent it yet....Remember all my stitching is done by HAND.
    Not as many dislikes as Likes, thats good....
Sorry if this come out wrong, I just felt I had to answer this posting....
    Now I got to go and Make some stuff......
"TGMM Family of the Bow"

Offline highnoonhunter

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Re: The Perfect job!!!!
« Reply #19 on: January 27, 2008, 01:22:00 PM »
Mike ya left one out..........

I don't know if it would go in your "like" or "dislike" list but:

I feel another thing you have to be willing to do, which is what makes Trad folks really great, is when you get that job, or trad archery trade, be willing to pass it along!

Mike G really helped me a year or so ago, telling me the type punches I needed to do leatherwork with, and types of rivets, leather, etc.!
That taught me a great lesson. Mike knew I sold stuff now and then, but he was still willing to help. So now, if someone needs help, I try my best to show them the same kindness Mike G showed me.
That's whats most rewarding to me. Is when I can really help someone!

My hats off to Mike G! He's a great guy!

Member: Christian Bowhunters of America
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Holmes Mongoose reverse handle longbow. 63" 63@28
Longriver Longbow: 69" 69@28
Kolometz Kustom Longbow 66" 76@28

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