I was going to start a new thread with some pictures, but I don't think mine would come out as good as Karl's did.
Almost a year ago I came to Karl asking all kinds of questions about his knives. I was looking for a knife I could use for awhile and then pass down to my boys when they start to hunt, and then hopefully one day they would pass it on to one of their children and so on. This is one thing my family has never done, and I always thought it was a great idea.
After many questions, and talking about many designs, I finally settled on the Brut de Forge style. The handle was easy, as I have always loved the look of sheep horn on knives. This is what Karl put together for me.
I absolutely love it and cannot thank Karl enough. I feel like I need to run out to my hunting spot and put something on the ground, just so I can put it towards its intended use of gutting and skinning game. I'm going to end up petting and staring at the thing till September rolls around.
Thanks again Karl for being so patient and for the beautiful knife!