Last year Doug and Karen came to Atlanta for the Blade Show with the hopes of Doug passing his Journeyman Smith test. Doug brought an array of fine steel to show to the judges....but alas a mixup with Doug's Knifemaker's Guild membership had him about 3 weeks short of the required time necessary for his test. He took it in stride but we all ached for him...such a shame that a technicality would steal the inevitable thunder. Well, as fate would have it, Kim secretly made a deal with Doug for a takedown I fell in love with. That was June of '09 and somehow my sweet wife managed to keep it hidden until Christmas, when I opened it tearfully and with great reverence. After months of using it, I thought I'd finally post a picture of one of my prized possessions.
Forgive the stains on the fine I said, it's had a couple of months of actual use. Awesome fit and finish and the steel is superb. I processed an entire hog from hoof to freezer with only a couple of swipes on a crock stick now and then to keep it shaving.
So fast forward to just before this year's blade show a few weeks ago. Doug placed two knives on the classifieds to help fund his and Karen's trip. Somehow, I was blessed enough to see them right after Doug posted them and jumped overboard...I'd find something to sell later
The Koa on the handle is spectacular, it has an ethereal 3D effect that seems to be much "deeper" than it really is. As usual with Doug's knives, fit and finish are flawless...and like my others the steel is oustanding.
No game stains yet, but I've shaved enough hair to weave a wig
Today I picked up a sheath I had made for it, a piece of leather from my local saddle maker worthy to hold such a blade.
Of course, copied from Doug's crossdraw sheath design.
Just thought I'd share my blessings with fellow steel addicts.