This might help answer the age old question to determine if maker's ALWAYS make knives in the order that requests are received -
At least I'll admit it.
I have a clip board full of Order Forms, but I had a good customer from Ontario call me on Thursday morning last week asking for a knife to give to his African outfitter on his next hunt, and it needed to be shipped TODAY!
His only request was that it be something the Outfitter would be proud to carry and show off around camp.
Well, let's see - forge down large stock, forge blade, over night spherodize, finish grind, harden, double temper, finish out knife, etch and finish hamon, create fixed assembly with actual EPOXY!!? (Yep, I made this a fixed assembly due to the final destination and logistics involved), wet-mold and dry sheath, dye sheath, etc. and company coming for the Fourth of July weekend?
No problem.
Think he'd be proud to carry this one?
W2, stainless and Cocobolo: