Originally posted by DANA HOLMAN:
Karl, thanks for the info. That helps alot. Question, do you ever change your oil out after so many quenches or just add to your tank as needed
I don't remember if I have EVER added any to either of my quench tanks since I filled them.
I filled the Parks #50 about 4 years ago and the Texaco "A" maybe 6-7 years ago when I built my first large tank. I take that back - I might have added a little to the "A" one time.
They're 5 gallon tanks.
And for a reason.
When you quench a hot piece of steel into a small quantity of oil, that oil gets supper heated, vaporizes, often catches on fire, which burns it up, spills out of small containers, etc., etc.
So it quickly deteriorates and disappears.
(Not to mention that small quantities of oil extract heat poorly and leave us with 1/2 done blades!)
When you quench into a LARGE volume of oil, in a large tank, about all that happens is that it cools your steel - like we want.
Often, when we try to cut corners, it becomes the least efficient and most costly way to go.
So my expense on oil was a one time thing and I see no immediate reason to change what's there.
Just do it and be done with it.
Get a tank or build a tank and fill it up!!
Done deal.