mmgrode summed it up just right, relax? i wasn't taking anything away fromt he guy, just asked where he got his funds? Didn't know his background till i read about him last night in the UBNJ magazine i got int he mail. i do realize you can swap hunts, but it still takes time away from your home life and his buisness as a guide.
Biggie Hoffman, your right i could do it if i wanted, but my priorities are different i guess. i have to work hard to support my family and my job only allows 3 weeks vacation a year. Like a normal guy?
"I'm never going to have the time or money to hunt all the places and things in North America, much less Africa, but I am going to try to see as much as possible and I am happy we live in a place where if it is possible, it can happen."
Steve O, i guess were in the same boat?