Chuck, The small tools are just a smaller version of the larger ones. Think of it as stock removal. Start with the big drawknife, then smaller drawknife, next would be a spokeshave or heelshave (depends on the shape of the wood which you'd use) Then finish with the rasps.
The spockshave will make square stock round and heelshave will make stock dish shaped. They work like a plane only your hands guide the way they cut.
It's like learning to use the drawknife, once you master the use you can make nice big shavings or nice even small ones. Your hands determine which.
No thanks needed for me Chuck, the guys here on this site and others have helped me make better tools and knives than I can buy at the hardware store. I'm the one that owes a big thanks to those who give so freely what has taken years for them to learn.
Thanks for a great thread, hope I didn't stray to far from knives and trad archery topics.