I try to have fun where ever I go, but Blade is my favorite. Maybe because the scene is so varied in people and new faces, old customers, materials, steels, ideas, etc.
I did miss seeing Doug and Karen again this year, but I did get to visit with them at my house earlier this year.
I missed seeing Dan Masson.
I did well sale-wise, sold a few, got a few orders, bought some "stuff", ate too much - twice, and I always enjoy the hours I get to spend talking to Don Hanson.
The makers I enjoy talking to are too many to list.
What a wonderful place to visit with friends from all across the country and even Europe and Australia.
Got to finally talk quite a bit with Sam Lurquin via translation, but we had a good time.
My mentor, Jerry Rados, brought a Damascus sub-hilt stag Bowie that will keep a person awake at night just thinking about it. That man has forgot more about knife making than most people will ever learn, no matter who they are.
The drive home is always filled with ideas about what to do next when I get back in the shop.
I was pleased to bring along Scott Teaschner and get him acquainted with the knife world.
He made some new friends and that was a success.
One of these days, Ray, one of these days.
Now, off to Compton's!