I have always tried to limit a Camp Knife to 10 inch blade and 15 inches over all length. Why? Because the tendency is to think bigger is better. It might be cool and even necessary to make a larger knife, but setting that size limit usually allows plenty of room to design a great knife for camping chores while being able to cook, etc. with it too. I personally like a 5 1/4 inch handle so I borrow a little off the blade and still set the limit at 15. 9 3/4 inch blade and 5 1/4 inch handle.
Here is a picture of the big bowie in the other thread balanced on my finger. Notice that even though it is a 12 inch blade the balance point has been moved back the same as if it were a 9 or 10 inch blade. That's the value of distal taper.
A bowie is hard to beat, but I tweak the design and make a knife that I think is specific for camping. A good knife like described is a real tool and is a pleasure to carry and use. I like the ricasso to be about .300 thick with good distal taper. This moves the balance toward the center near the guard and makes the knife feel lighter than it really is.