Weekender ... your birds have it easy, and I am happy for them. Green grass! Mine are wallowing through 4' of powder snow right now. It's pitiful to watch. Generally, they wind up flying, as every step goes belly deep. No way can they be getting enough calories to replace their energy loss in a hard mountain winter like this. Even just sitting in a tree all day and night, with night temps averaging 0 and days rarely above freezing and often strong winds, has to be a serious stress. How often here on a long winter's night (8000' in the CO Rockies), while sitting in a cozy wood-warmed cabin with a frozen wind howling outside, I think with wonder and admiration of the amazing hardiness of turkeys, elk, deer, and all the others "out there." How they survive and even prosper, where we would perish in hours, is beyond amazing. My admiration for these animals is endless, and thus my lack of patience with the fools among us who look at the animals we hunt as nothing more significant than "harvested" crops and moving targets. Lucky turkeys you have there! dave