Ok, this is how I do it and it works for wood arrows. Never tried with aluminum or carbon.
For the sake of this demo we will use a 60# recurve bow, cut to center using modern string material. We will use an arrow 29" BOP and 145 gr points.
First add 5# of spine so 60+5=65#,add 5# for center shot=70#,add 5# for every inch over a 28" arrow so=75#,now add 5# for modern string material=80# so with this set up a 29" arrow with 145 gr up front and a 80# spine should fly perfect. I would say that a set of 75/80 spine arrows would do the job.
Course ya still have to get your brace and nock point set for you but after that math does the trick.
If you have a longbow that is not center shot then of course you would not add anything for centershot also if you use B50 strings then you would not add anything for modern string material.
If you want to use a heavier point then you would need to add 5# for anything over 145gr.
If your arrows are longer than 29 then again, 5# for every inch over 28 and conversly if your arrows are shorter then subtract 5# for every inch below 28".
Lots of ways to tune an arrow to a bow, this is just the way I do it and it works everytime for me.