Very kind words from all.
Thank you.
Lin, I'm going to say something about testing and San Mai.
I have had three or four knives of stainless San Mai construction fail since I started making it. But I use that word "fail" lightly.
During certain phases of the process, especially when hardening, there is extreme differential stresses between the FULL THICKNESS stainless and the tool steel core.
On the blade portion is not much of a problem because I have ground the stainless to a zero thickness along the bottom edge.
But at the ricasso, the stainless is still full thickness.
Keep in mind that 420 SS doesn't austenize until about 1900 degrees, but the 1095 was fully austenized at 1500.
On one particular knife about 2 weeks ago, I had the full ricasso 1095 austenized and quenched it.
It didn't like it.
What happens is that this area will split right down the center - like pulling apart a peanut butter sandwich. Just rips right in two.
I did that and didn't notice it until I had the blade all cleaned up. And the split carried forward just the tiniest bit onto the blade right at the choil.
Anyway, I stuck in a leg vise.
Slipped a pipe down on it and broke the tang right off.
So I figured I'd test the blade portion.
Keep in mind I've got just the square-ended portion of the ricasso.
I slid a really big crescent wrench down on the blade.
Not only can I not break it, I can't even get it to hardly flex!! I'll admit I'm a bit concerned for my own safety, but I slide that wrench on and start pulling and I give up before anything bad happens.
That blade just kind of laughs at me.
I am so thrilled with that I can't say.
I think the stainless portion is far tougher than if that area was simply pearlitic tool steel.
Anyway, yes, thank you for the observation, regardless of what knife I make, whether it be a Brute de Forge or a Stag Damascus Bowie, I can not bring myself to finish it if I know that blade is not the best that it can be.
And you are one of those I respect, as I know you feel the same about the knives you make.
See you in Little Rock.