I have taken elk, hogs and does, but up until this year a buck has eluded me. Partly because I would rather take a doe then one of the little guys. Up until I took him, he was the second biggest I had seen on the property. Of course now I've seen two more bigger ones and don't have a buck tag until January. Taken 11/4/08 at 6:30 a.m. with a 56" 59# Morrison Cheyenne and 175 grain Razorcap mounted on a CX 150. He came in from the field behind me cruising for a doe and walked the trail 16 yards from me. I tried to stop him but he kept moving. I was all ready at full draw and figured now or never and took an 18 yard walking shot trying to lead him a little. Luck was with me as I hit him quartering away in the left ham. The razorcap did its's job as it cut his rear artery and hit the liver. With the fletching sticking out he ran 20 yards and stopped, stood there for 20 seconds and then layed down, rolled onto his back and expired in approx. 1 1/2 minutes. I could not believe it, what I thought was a nightmare hit ended up being a blessing thanks to the three blade. I was shocked how fast he bled out internally with the artery severed and a liver hit.

Trail where he was walking from right to left going away

View of stand from the trail he was on

Close up of stand