After a little more short draw shooting, I decided it was time to move on - slowly/carefully. I decided to cut my usual scraping pass down from 10 to 5 passes and do that to the top (left) limb to take a little more of the straightness out. It came out looking about right to these old eyes, so I took it out to shoot on my foam, in the carport (while tropical storm Hannah howled around me - LOL). She shot very well for the 10 or 12 shots (at 8yds) that I put her through. Later, after letting her "stew" at brace for about an hour, (and with the winds diminishing some) I decided to see how she'd act/look on my tiller tree.
The curves looked very even. Of course the lower (right) limb tip does not come down as far, because it starts out with a little higher "kick" than the top one anyway, but I was happy with the way it looked. Only thing is, when I pulled it to 22" the scale only registered 33.5 pounds. That worried me a little as I still hadn't been able to get to 25" draw yet. After contemplating a little I decided it was time to take the bull by the horns, go for broke - and hope it didn't ("broke", that is). I carefully eased back on the pully rope and found it would advance beyond 22" without any untoward results/noises. I kept pulling, smoothly, on the rope and realized I was making it right onto the 25" line.
So much for that. With some small trepadation I went forward to check the scale - after all, I was the one who decided to do it, so it was my results to live with it - right, wrong, or indifferent.
Eureka! The scale read exactly 40# @ 25"
I did it a couple times more to check for noises and same readings. Good to go. I went in and got the wife to come and verify my observations (she's gonna be able to build bows if this keeps up - LOL). I was really pleased but, as we trucked into the house with bow in hand, I said, "Of course I still probably can't pull it to 25" in a regular draw but maybe it won't change too much getting to there."
Rose, most always the realist, asked if I had really tried since this AM's scraping.
"Well, No, but I guess I could try," I admitted - DOH!.
I got out my calibrated "measuring arra" and gave 'er a (tentative, I fear) go. Rose read the arrow at 24 inches. That was encoraging. Let me try that again. I did, several times. Yep, I can now also full draw it (and anchor) to 25" - I'm a happy camper!
I still have final sanding, a little more decreasing of tip width, shooting in (a-pleanty) at full draw but, unless something unforseen occurrs, I'm getting ready to finish her now.
I think I will call her, "Hannah Holmi", and thank you, Lord (and all the guys on the forums too - LOL)
Picture to follow when I get Hanna "dressed".