QK, first of all I shoot with my arrow pretty close to level, from nock point to top of my bow hand (or a layered leather "Dano rest" that I like to use on most of my bows now, situated close to the same position. I have found this works best for me on most all wood bows).
I had one screw eye in the (real) tree I had rigged up before, out back (when I was tillering my Osage "It"). I checked where the pull should be for my draw/shooting style and it falls about a quarter of an inch in from the side of the 4x4 post (tillering post), or about 1 1/2" over from center. I drilled holes on both edges of the 4x4(for later use)for the screw eye(s), enough above the centered one, so that I would have room to twist them in, and screwed the eye in the one on the left, for this bow. The pully rope now travels straight down just inside the edge of the 4x4 from the part of the string that should be where my index finger would be when shooting. Pics later, when I get time, so you can see where I am speaking of, in case you have doubt. (I again used the long string since I wasn't sure how the bow would like, and react to, my new shenanigans - LOL). I exercised the bow some and then drew it to about the 15 or 16 inch line. Results were, the two limbs still curved quite evenly (I was pleased) but as you (and I) would now expect (I think) the top (left) tip was traveling down about 1/2 to 1 inch further than the bottom (right) limb tip, perhaps even a tad further (BTW my boards come pre-graphed in light grey 1/2" squares that you can't see in the pics). So, I take this to mean, since I can't "strengthen" the top limb, I need to weaken the lower limb to get them even again. Am I figuring right, and is this result about what you would expect, Dano, Glenn?