I have done a lam Holmegaard, although they haven't been pretty. I lammed up a boofloo and black locust blank with a short power lam at the handle. I added long reverse-wedges through the outer limbs. I was trying to make it so the thickening of the limb happened just before the limbs narrow in side to side width, but the wedges were too thin and too gradually tapered. I had to add another set just like them under the backing, which was linen cloth.
I glued it up with just a tiny bit of reflex only in the skinny part of the limb. It shot very well and was really easy to tiller. The inner limbs were parallel in thickness and width, about 2", and the stiff ends were just a bit more than 1/3 the limb length.
Unfortunately I killed it trying to mess with it, as I often do, and i have been scheming an all wood, no linen version, as soon as I get to it.
In the meantime, I made an elm copy, but it came in low weight.