My next bow is a BBI (Bamboo Backed Ipe), which I have been wanting to do since I first started reading about them, and hearing of Rich Saffold's work with them, in CA. It is, of course, a wood lam bow, and since I do not have the facilities, or forms and tools, to do a glue up (and mostly will want to work Osage stave bows after this one), I opted for a glue-up from Mr. Saffold of Richard's Bowyery. As I told Richard, in previous communications, I wanted this bow to start off having the best chance possible, of turning into as good a one, as I turn out to be capable of making it be, since it will probably be my only BBI. I want to say that I am very impressed with the Glue-up he made for me, and his fast service. It is a 68" longbow, 66 3/4" ntn, with darker pieces of Ipe (e-pea) for the riser and tip overlays. The Bamboo backing is a beautiful piece of Black Bamboo (a unique species of bamboo of no two pieces exactly alike, and already camoed patterns - (like my Camo Dog - LOL)
This bow may take awhile for me to do (even if it is almost already a bow
) what with finishing up my Holmegarard, Deer season starting in a week here, Hurricane Hannah (perhaps only Tropical storm Hannah) bearing down on us in NC, family matters, etc. but I still intend to keep you posted, as in the past, if you are interested.
Here are some pics of the glue up. All I have done to it so far (other than to admire it's shape etc.) is shape the tips and overlays and file the string nocks. I did this today, so that I will be able to get a long string on it as soon as it is readied for that step.
Side view:
Belly (Ipe):
Back (Black Bamboo) It's a little darker and more speckled than it appears in this pic. I will try to get a more accurate image later:
And a look at the two tips with string grooves: