Seems like forever ago I was the lucky winner of a set of bow laminations in Kennym's first giveaway. I knew what woods I wanted but did not have any idea about what thickness I should get so after talking with Kenny I just went with a guess. I've made a few Bamboo backed bows and one glass laminated bow.
Here is what I started with. A set of parallel Maple cores that measured .065 and a set of real purty Curly Hickory lams that measured .045. I bought some .050 clear glass and a pint of Smooth-on from Bingham's and started making a form.
I cut a piece of 3/4" cabinet grade plywood in half and glued them together to make a 1-1/2" thick form. I used a thin piece of wood cut from the edge of a 2X4 to make the shape of the bow and traced the curves.
After cutting I trued the edge so it was square throughout the entire length with a panel bit in my router and then used Bondo to fill any small imperfections. Sorry, no pictures of that.
OK, fast forward about 8 months. After numerous setbacks from blown auto engines, to work, to health issues, to.....aww heck, you know what I mean. I got after the project again.
I decided to use Hickory, Osage, and Black Walnut for my riser......
And drew the shape. It's kind of hard to see the lines. The lower half of the form is in the background.
After getting everything lined up in the form I set her in the hotbox and set the timer. It was bed time.
I don't have any pics of the glue-up. I couldn't make myself pick up a $600 camera while I had Smooth-on all over my hands.