I could use some help in preventing or eliminating my next alergic reaction. I am on my third reaction and it is getting old.
I use only exotic woods while making laminated R D bows. I had a reaction back in May. Itchy eyes, necks and inside of arms and down to groin. Was using Cocobolo, Bicote, Zebra, Maple, Osage, P heart, Paduak, Bubbinga. Took about 4 weeks or so before it went away. Not being shure it was the wood, I Continued to use same woods all summer and have had no problem. Lately I finished 9 bows of the same make up but included my first dealings with Leopard wood. Broke out badly. Went to doc got shot and prednazone dose pack. Took care of problem in a few days. About the same day it cleared up, I Made a leopard wood picture frame for mom for Xmas and it absolutely jumped on me again. Another shot and dose pack and it is declining but slowly.
I have a good dust colecting system and usually wear a respirator.
Any help or ideas will be greatly received.
Thanks, BigJim