Thanks for addressing my question. Yes, that is what I am confused about. I have yet to build a bow so I have not looked into this issue that I thought I read about in the bowyer's bible, which is that there is a difference between the annual rings and the grain. I had planned to take a class on building and was going to get it sorted out there. In the mean time, I am wondering if this same issue applies to arrows.
If the strength and structure of wood is really in the grain, and not the orientation of the rings, then that would make a difference in both bows and arrows, I would think.??
So, potentially, I could be orienting my arrows via the rings while the grain is running in some other direction, a direction that might be better suited turned in a different direction.
I'm not sure I am following your tube analogy, unless your are simply drawing a picture of what the annual rings look like inside a tree? I am still confused about the grain.