65-70 degrees works pretty well for me. What kind of alcohol? rubbing alcohol has oils in it to keep from drying skin out,so its not good.
I have heard both ways on prepping lams,some say acetone,some say it brings more oil to the surface.
I built a bocote(notoriously oily) bow a few years back,I scrubbed with a wire brush and blew off with clean air,and it is still going.
As far as getting away with it,clean the tape residue off and assess the problem again.
If you are thinkin of adding another pc of glass over them,the possible delam will still be there,just deeper in the limb.JMHO
If mine,I would finish the bow,carefully shoot it a bit and watch for any increase in dry spots. Very carefully,safety glasses and all!!
How many colored glass bows have the same deal?
Just be really careful,whatever you do,it is not worth losing an eye over.