Heres the scoop on the wood tests:
I weighed a half a lam cause my grain scale goes to 500 gr.,then doubled it to show what is in 1 limb,less what is cut off in shaping....
Then clamped each one to my bench with 12" hanging out in midair. Then measured to the floor,clamped a 1" spring clamp on the end of it and remeasured to the floor. The difference is the amount of deflection for each wood.The clamp weighs 2.6 oz. on my postal scale.
Wood type...Weight/grains...Deflection/"
Hickory-----665.8-----------2 1/8"
Walnut------640.6-----------2 3/16"
R. Cedar----478.0-----------3 3/4"
Maple-------758.2-----------1 1/2"
R.Elm(edge)500.2------------2 1/8"
Bocote------875.6-----------1 7/8"
Osage-------678.0-----------3 1/16"
Some of these rated about where I thought,some were a surprise. Figured A-boo would be lighter in weight and osage would be stiffer.
What do y'all say?