Well ,you may have seen this bow for sale a month or so ago.I hated to see it go but wanted to start the next build.i sure didn't want it to come back like this.
Eric was stringing it up with a stringer and heard a crack!.you can see from the pictures that it cracked vertically down from the corner of the shelf.More on the belly side but through to the back side.
I'm wondering if it's saveable?I can still string it up without effecting the crack at all.It's amazing that it would crack this way ,through all the laminations,yet still be stable when strung.I assume I designed a flaw into it .I'm new at building and feel obligated to make it right with him.I highlighted the cracks in blue.They are just to the right of the blue lines.
I'm thinking of carefully spreading and pouring SuperGlue into the crack as is often suggested on here.Should I install some dowel pins horizontally through the side into the meaty part of the shelf also? Is it better off as a wall hanger/pattern for future bows?I forgot to mention that the main wood is Chechen,The stripe is Maple with C.A.Rosewood accents.Is Chechen known ato be alittle unstable in risers?
Any other suggestions or design obsevations?Should I beef up the wrist/shelf area?Thanks