I've fallen shot of my intended draw weight more times than I care to admit. My friends started calling me "The King of the Girly Bow" which is starting to affect my self esteem and confidence in my bowcrafting skills. I'm trying to make a narrow limb, short riser recurve with long recurve tips, somewhere around 55-60 lbs. (O.K., It's a knockoff of a 60" Widow PSR). I've tried osage. walnut and maple lams up to .090-.030 for the tapers(belly side) and .060 for the parallels. I added a .030 maple core lam to the walnut and a .030 coretuff glass lam to the osage. I used .040 back and face glass for one bow and .050 glass for the next 2. The limbs taper from 1 3/4 to 5/8's with a parabolic curve to the tip. I can't bend a thicker belly lam because of the tight radius bend at the handle, and would prefer not to add additional laminations if possible, because people who know how to make bows don't have to. Maybe I should just start weaving baskets from all these nice lams I have cluttering up my shop. What to do, what to do?