Thanks again. This has been the easiest build for me yet. I have several things I need to change on my bow form that will make for better glue lines and ease of lay up. All my mistakes of course. Kenny's template and instructions are a breeze to use. Check out his form build on his website. 1.I have my metal brackets upside down. They should be attached to the bottom half of the form. This is a pain to get the hose to lay still while trying to get the top half of the form in place. It makes it a 2 person job for sure.
2.My pressure strip is a little thick(1/8" alum from Lowes) This makes it hard to curve into the belly fades for good glue lines. I'm also going to tape the pressure strip down to the center of theriser block with 2 sided tape to ensure it does not slip left and right.
3.I'm also going to make a 66" plexiglass template that is abolutely dead nuts perfect. This will make getting the center line and the limb tapers drawn quicker and more accurately.