I keep an excelsior bale and shooting range in the basement year round and put several 3-D targets out back from April until about a week before gun season opens (always concerned that some Bubba will start shooting first and identifying later).
In preparation for a bear hunt this fall, I've been shooting about a dozen arrows each night, Monday-Friday, with an emphasis placed on form. I also try to get out rabbit "hunting" with my Lab, Huck at least three or four nights a week after work. I don't typically take many shots on our hunts - it's more of a walk through the woods for the sake of getting some exercise -
unless we come across an unusually dumb rabbit or a liberal looking stump.
During the summer, my wife and I both shoot most every night while the burgers, salmon or chicken is cooking on the grill. We keep our bows and our quivers full of arrows on the wall of our great room, right next to the doorwall that leads to the patio. In this manner, it's nearly impossible for me to walk past my bows during the summer months without flinging at least a few arrows each day.
I imagine some day, a couple hundred years from now, while digging a new foundation for a house, someone will arrive at the concluson that an indian battle must have taken place in my yard based on all the arrows that will be unearthed.