If you hit them in the boiler room they will bleed just fine and die as quickly. A high hit with a multiblade doesn't bleed any better than a 2 blade, the cavity has to fill first. If you get a marginal hit with a 2 blade the animal is more likely to recover. A very responsible choice in my opinion.
Perhaps I came off a little harsh in my statements, but it was only in the retoric used and not the content that needs changing.
In my own personal experience (so as not to lump everyone else in with my statements) I agree that a two blade or multiblade put through the lungs will kill equally quickly.
A "high hit" can and often DOES bleed better from a multiblade than a two blade. The cavity does NOT have to fill up with blood before there is external "spillage".
The chest cavity is a pressurized chamber and any loose blood can be expelled from pressure alone if the hole is big enough to allow it.... I've seen it many times.
And I stand by my statement alluding to my preference of a broadhead that stands the best chance for killing the animal if the worst happens and not chosing a broadhead because it offers the animal the best chance of survival.
I'm sorry, but that makes no sense to me.
No doubt animals survive horrific wounds from guns and broadheads as well as what the natural world deals up to them.
The number of blades a broahead has has little if any bearing on that.
I apologize if I offended you by my remarks previously. They were not intended personally.
In conclusion, don't worry about what I've got in my drawers I know what's there. Be more concerned with what you've got in yours.